Educational System
The Luxembourg international schooling is particularly suitable for the expatriate and ensures a high-standard education for your children.
The educational system is multilingual. The Luxembourg has a panel of publics, privates and international school. It also offers financial aids and an assessment based on pupils’ abilities.
Primary education
The schooling is compulsory from 4 years old until 16 years old. In elementary school, children go to school from Monday to Saturday, from 8am-4pm with a two-hours break at noon. However, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, they only have class in the morning.
Secondary education
The pupils leave elementary school at the edge of 12 and decide in what high-school they are going to study. They have the choice between two option: the secondary school with a duration of 7 years, which prepares to the higher learning and the University, and the secondary and technical high-school with a duration of 5 years old to 7 years, which guides them towards the working-life.
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