Relocation News Luxembourg

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23 of October 2019

New: children and young persons’ helpline in Luxembourg

All parents and children have worries or concerns about school at some point. There may be times when you or your child have questions or feel the need to talk to someone outside the family.

Kanner Jungend Telephon (KTJ), children and young persons’ helpline,  offer a free, confidential and anonymous service for parents, children and youths in Luxembourg . The online service (for parents in English and children or youths in English, German, French & Luxembourgish) can be accessed through the KJT website at

Their trained staff can answer any questions no matter how big or small. It can be used by anyone over the internet or by telephone. Boy or girl, young or not so young, child or parent, friend or neighbour, to ask a simple question or in a crisis situation ... where children’s or adolescents’ problems are involved, KTJ will find someone who is open and available to write or talk to the person concerned.

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