Management Mobility Consulting organizes the relocation of your pets!
Relocating pets to France requires proper preparation, an understanding of the regulations in place, and, in some cases, complex logistical coordination. In addition to handling your own mobility and that of your family, Management Mobility Consulting also takes care of the relocation of your four-legged companions.
Here are some practical tips to help you through the transition:
The main steps to take before traveling are:
• Mandatory vaccination: Your pets must be vaccinated against rabies.
• Mandatory identification with a microchip: You must identify your animal by implanting an electronic microchip that complies with ISO 11784 or Annex A of ISO 11785 standards. Tattoos may be accepted if they are still readable and/or were made before July 3, 2011.
• European passport or health certificate: A licensed veterinarian must issue an EU passport or a health certificate for your pet.
• Health certificate for non-EU countries: Animals coming from outside the European Union must have a health certificate that complies with EU requirements.
• Rabies antibody titration test: This laboratory test is required for certain animals from non-European countries to demonstrate the effectiveness of the rabies vaccination.
The procedures depend on the means of transport chosen for your relocation. If you opt for air travel, an IATA-approved transport crate will be essential to ensure the safety of your animal. Depending on its size, your pet will travel either in the hold or in the cabin. To make adaptation easier, it is advisable to get your pet used to the crate a few days before departure.
If you choose to travel by car, make sure to take regular breaks during the journey so that your pet can eat, drink, and stretch its legs.
Upon arrival in France, schedule an appointment with a local veterinarian to check your pet’s health. This professional can also register your animal in national records, particularly with the I-CAD (National Register of Domestic Carnivores).
It is important to note that not all pets are allowed in France, as their entry is subject to specific laws and regulations.
The species accepted include reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, rodents, domestic rabbits, ornamental fish, and all types of birds (except poultry). Dogs are also allowed, including assistance dogs, although attack dogs are prohibited. Cats and ferrets are also permitted. Note that a person may own a maximum of five pets.
Feel free to contact us below for more information.